SINGLEHOOD... ANY WORRIES? I just decided to blog about this topic because of the ‘madness’ and stigma attached to either. The Married wished they were single, regretting why they married; the Singles wished they had married to taste the other side of life. Each believing that the grass is greener on the other side. Life is in stages and comes with its attendant challenges at each stage. Before one reaches puberty, he/she has understood the functions of his various body parts. The body shapes starts changing rapidly due to the activities of hormones. These body changes will definite determine how they react to the opposite sex – each tending to show affinity to the other sex. This is characterised in the adolescence stage where infatuation is at work. ...AND NOW THE CHILD IS GROWN AND HAS MATURED INTO AN ADULT ABLE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITIES.... Most things in life have two faces: The coi...
Showing posts from August, 2016